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Statistics of Online Reputation Management

The statistics of online reputation management are a cause of concern for many brand management professionals as it keeps on changing sporadically. These changed facts or statistics can upset your well laid plans within moments.
The world of online reputation management burns with the stories of tragedy, and bad rumours that can be a catastrophe for your career and business.
But with the knowledge of Online Reputation Management, these threats can easily be overcome. These statistics will help you in deciding what should be done in that situation, instead of making you scare and taking away your sleep for days.
It’s better to be prepared in advance to deal with any obstacle that your business is going to come across in the near future, like it did last year when COVID-19 pandemic hit the country. Many businesses who didn’t changed their policies according to the changing environment went into losses and ultimately winded-up.
No businessman or entrepreneur wants that.These facts will give you a clear-headed approach to making sense Online Reputation Management strategies and what should be done or what is to be avoided.
With the use of right online reputation management practices you can save your company from huge losses but only when you know the current market conditions. By best business reputation management you can shape your company’s online identity that conveys trustworthiness, integrity, and leadership.
Latest Online Reputation Management (ORM) statistics (2021):
- 85% of consumers rely on online reviews as much as they rely on personal recommendations made by their close ones. The company’s online reputation is mostly affected by its review pages. Reviews represent the honest opinions of your customers, and that is the reason why other potential customers check your reviews first before buying any of your products. Having more positive reviews and reply humbly to negative reviews can save your reputation to a greater extent.
- Reviews that got only 1 or 2 stars failed to convert 86% of the prospective customers into active clients. This can be a major loss for companies that are trying to gain momentum initially to grow their business. Bad reviews are a threat to your conversation rates to a greater extent.
- 49% of consumers said that they at least seek for 4-star rating before they choose a business to use its services.
- Every additional one-star rating causes an increase of at least 9% in revenue. Positive, Good yelp reviews can make your organization to increase its revenue to as high as 9%. Asking for positive reviews after each transaction by your customers can do wonders for your business that you won’t even realize. So, simple it can be summed up as more stars will yield more revenue and fewer stars means lower revenue.
- You won’t believe if someone said that the around 97% of the consumers search online for local businesses, but it is true. People use internet to know about the local businesses. It is a universal practice in a developed world, which means having good online identity can make your business flourish in many ways.
Statistics for Search Engine Optimization (SEO):
- The most important statistics for SEO is only 5% of the people look beyond the first page of Google. As much surprising as this fact it is, its impact on your business is even greater. That’s where Online Reputation Management companies in India came into role, for improving your ranking on the Google. Online Reputation Manage is a company that helps you in not only improving your ranking on the Google but also removing all the negative content about you and your company. With their qualified team of experts, they provide efficient and effective services.
- The page that ranks first on Google gets 31.7% of the traffic, which is a huge number. Best Online Reputation Management companies try to make sure that your company’s page gets the most of the traffic. The best way to improve your ranking is to create high-quality content using keywords. The goal for any business is to rank one on Google and if you are not there then, you must be missing out on something. It has also been found that the page that is on number 10 on Google only gets the 3% of the entire traffic, which means being average won’t work for your company, it has to be the best.
- The purchase decision of 78% of customers is influenced by social media posts. Being active on social media is another way of increasing your revenue.
These statistics may be hard to believe, but they are the truth. Gone are the days when companies like PR and Digital Marketing used to handle your reputation, this task has become tougher over the years and these companies cannot do what Online Reputation Management companies can do to make your business grow and to protect them from any crisis.